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3 Translation results for deep in Spanish

adjective | noun | adverb

deep adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
hondo, profundo; ancho; intenso; subido; absorto

Example sentences of
deep adjective

  • We walked in the deep snow.
  • The water is deepest in the middle of the lake.
  • She's afraid of swimming in deep water.
  • The house has lots of deep closets.
  • a deep valley between the mountains
  • a plant with deep roots
  • She has a small but deep wound on her arm.
  • This enormous canyon is over a mile deep.
  • The shelves are 10 inches deep.
  • He stepped into an ankle-deep puddle of mud.

Detailed synonyms for deep adjective

Deep, profound, abysmal, bottomless significan dotado de gran extensión hacia abajo o hacia adentro.
  • Deep es el término más general, y recalca el hecho más que el grado de extensión hacia abajo desde una superficie, o a veces hacia atrás o hacia adentro desde una parte delantera o exterior <a deep river>; cuando se aplica a personas o a procesos mentales, indica la presencia o la necesidad de una gran actividad intelectual o convicción emocional <felt deep concern for his brother's safety>.
    antonyms: shallow
  • Profound puede indicar la necesidad o presencia de esmero o minuciosidad <a profound thinker>.
    antonyms: shallow
  • Abysmal puede conllevar la noción de un grado inconmensurable, sobre todo cuando se aplica a palabras que denotan la carencia de algo <abysmal ignorance>.
  • Bottomless sugiere algo tan profundo que parece no tener fondo o límite <a bottomless pit>.

deep noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lo profundo, el piélago

Example sentences of
deep noun

  • the kind of cold weather that we usually have only in the deep of winter
  • sailors exploring the farther reaches of the briny deep

deep adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hondo, profundamente

Example sentences of
deep adverb

  • The ship now lies deep below the water's surface.
  • Our feet sank deeper into the mud.
  • The treasure was buried deep within the ground.
  • Their secret offices were located deep underground.
  • We walked deep into the forest.
  • The soldiers are operating deep within enemy territory.
  • I stood three feet deep in the water.
  • He stepped ankle-deep into a puddle of mud.
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Related phrases for deep

Reverse translation for deep

hondo  - deep 
profundo  - deep, profound 
ancho  - wide, broad, ample, loose-fitting 
intenso  - intense 
subido  - intense, strong 
absorto  - absorbed, engrossed 
hondo  - deeply 
profundamente  - deeply, in depth